Monday, November 2, 2015

Welcome November!

Whew!  What a whirlwind last week was.  With conferences, Halloween, and a full moon it was a jam packed week of crazy fun! :)

It was wonderful to see so many families at conferences.  I was able to meet with almost everyone and truly enjoyed my time with each of you.  Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with me.

This week we are beginning a new story, Arrow to the Sun, and continuing our study of the regions of the United States.  We also continue working with multiplication and division in math.  We have covered almost all of our facts at this point, so we will continue to practice strategies to make ourselves more efficient and fluent with those facts.  Science has us looking at the engineering design process and we are trying our hands at an assembly line this week.  Which will be more efficient, working alone or in an assembly line?

One other important piece of news to pass on is Picture Retake Day.  Retakes will take place on Friday, November 6th for those interested.

Words Their Way lists can be found below:

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