Monday, October 19, 2015

Short Week

Hello All!

We have a 3 day week for students this week, with Teacher Inservice on Thursday and Friday. Because of the shortened week, students will have the same Words Their Way words for 2 weeks. Words can be found below:

Ms. Kelsey and Ms. Swanson
 Mrs. Smith
 Mrs. Smith
 Mrs. Williams

Monday, October 5, 2015


Welcome 3rd Grade Families!

Our year is off to a great start.  We are getting settled in and moving to our normal schedule now, which means we are beginning Words Their Way and WIN (What I Need) groups.  These are wonderful instructional times where students receive differentiated instruction to meet their needs.

In an effort to move toward "paperless", Words Their Way lists will be posted on the 3rd grade teachers' blogs each week.  Lists for all groups will be posted here, so regardless of who your child's Words Their Way teacher is, your student's list can be found here.

I hope you will find the blog to be a helpful source of information for what is happening at SES and in 3rd grade!

                      Miss Kelsey and Miss Swanson
                                        Sort 12

Mrs. Smith
Sort 45

Mrs. Smith
Sort 24

Mrs. Williams
Sort 19